Learn about us and what we do.

About YPPG

In 2012, a small group of retirees created the Yellow Pages Pensioners’ Group (YPPG). They were concerned that the needs and interests of the pensioners were not being heard and acted upon. The word spread and the group grew quickly. In 2013 YPPG incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation. Today YPPG has over 700 members. It is a united voice that represents the Yellow Pages pensioners across Canada in all important matters.

YPPG monitors all activity related to our pension fund and benefits. Government proposals that could have any material impact on our pension plan are closely scrutinized. We meet regularly with Yellow Pages Limited plus Government bodies such as the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FRSA). We share knowledge with other pensioners’ groups who have common interests with us.

In January 2014, YPPG joined forces with the Canadian Federation of Pensioners (CFP). They are currently focusing on a critical mission - the Canada-wide need to improve the long term security for single employer defined benefit pension plans (DB plans). The CFP represents almost 650,000 retirees through its affiliated retiree associations, and over a million Canadians via the family members who depend on those pensioners for their support.

YPPG, as a member group of the CFP:

  • advocates with Governments, Political Parties and Regulatory bodies to bring into focus issues with current pension and retirement legislation;
  • participates in government, industry and other related forums that have been formally established to review issues and challenges with DB plans;
  • speaks on pensioner issues with respect to current Canadian legislation when an employer’s business is sold or merged, declared insolvent, bankrupt or is forced to wind-up, and the pension plan is underfunded. 

Our Mission

The mission of the Yellow Pages Pensioners’ Group (YPPG) is to actively promote the interests of our members. We advocate on behalf of our defined benefit pension plan and other issues from our pensioners' point of view. We work with governments, industry and private organizations for changes to regulations and laws to enhance protections for our pensions and benefits.

Join Us

YPPG currently consists of a Montreal Chapter (Province of Quebec and Ottawa area) and a Toronto Chapter (elsewhere in Canada). As we grow, we hope to have Chapter(s) representing Members from outside of Ontario and Quebec.

Membership in the Group is open to all individuals and surviving partners, either receiving or eligible to receive a Defined Benefit Pension from Yellow Pages Limited. That includes retirees from Aliant and any others who worked for - Yellow Pages Limited and its predecessor companies in Canada – anyone who is now receiving or are eligible to receive a Defined Benefit Pension from Yellow Pages Limited.

You can become a member by completing this form and mailing it in with your cheque to cover the annual dues of $25. Any further contributions are greatly appreciated as well. The funds are held in reserve to cover legal costs, actuarial fees etc.

For further information contact:  info@yppg-gppj.com
Application Form:  Click HERE

The YPPG Board of Directors 

Our Board of Directors is comprised of eight members, four from each Chapter. Our Board members are all volunteers and each brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our organization.

NamePosition on the Board
Batchelor, PaulTreasurer 
Bilodeau, LouiseDirector
Lion, Jean-Pascal President
McKinnon, Joan Corporate Secretary
Murphy, Roger E.Vice-President
Raymond-Lavoie, LiseDirector
Vallée, DominiqueDirector

Past Members of the YPPG Board

We wish to thank the following volunteers who so generously donated their time to serve on previous Boards for the Yellow Pages Pensioners' Group.

Sharon Altman-Leamen 
Michel Beauséjour
Jacques Bisaillon
Cheryl England
Glee Giralico
Mark Guilbeault
Jean-Paul Joanisse
Jacques Lanthier 
Louise LeBlanc

Douglas McIntyre
Gilles Morin
Lesley O'Leary
Danielle Patry
Raul Pumber
D. Lorne Richmond
Jean Séguin
Dianne Stix

Our Volunteers

The following volunteers have generously contributed their time and effort. YPPG owes them all a debt of gratitude.

Gord Bartlett
Jacques Bisaillon
Graham Butler
Ted Colavita
Annette D'Andrade
Ann Dobbin (Raper)
Cheryl England
Madeleine Gaudreault
France Gosselin
Monique Lavigne
Louise LeBlanc
Roger Lesiège
Gail Lockhart
Charlotte Martineau
Dan Maurice
Johanne Mazeroll
Ann McMaster

April McSavaney
Christine Mimeault
Roger Murphy
Bernard Ouellette
Raymonde Parenteau
Danielle Patry
Pauline Petroff
Doug Price
Pat Price
Raul Pumber
Jan Rogers
Hélène Rouisse
Tony Sledge
Tony Street
Joan Thorpe
Suzanne Valiquette.

© Copyright 2012-23 Yellow Pages Pensioners' Group (YPPG) - All rights reserved /
Droit d'auteur 2012-23 Groupe Pensionnés Pages Jaunes (GPPJ) - Tous droits réservés
Email:  info@yppg-gppj.com

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